Using business process reengineering (BPR) to effectively implement new\nstrategic initiatives and integrate new technology can radically upgrade organizations\n(Dachyar, Yadrifil & Pratama, 2015). The following literature review\ncompares empirical studies from eight different countries (including the\nUnited States) to identify global commonalities and differences of Business\nProcess Reengineering (BPR) practices and the Integration of technology in\nthe areas of research interest, critical success factors, and failure factors and\nrecommendations. Information gathered is synthesized using a cross-cultural\ncomparison with the eight evaluated countries divided by continent. To ensure\ncomplete understanding, term definitions and an explanation of the topicâ??s\nimportance are included. In addition, a brief description of each studyâ??s\nmethodology is described in the section on research interest, and comparison\nfindings are discussed at the end. (Key terms are provided that they are after\nthe references.)